What do I need to bring?
Just yourself! We are fully equipped but you will need some drumsticks to practice with at home.
Do you offer graded exams?
Sure do! We offer the Trinity Rock and Pop exams as part of our program. This system makes taking exams fun as they offer songs to learn from artists such as Nirvana, Bruno Mars, The Black Keys, Paramore, Iron Maiden, The Beatles and Tool.
Do I need a drumkit?
It's usually best to wait a term or two before making such a commitment. We're happy to help find the right kit for you when the time is right. Alternatively , you can rent one from us for the time being. We'll sort you out.
Terms & Conditions
Drum lessons take place throughout the school term, held in a consecutive manner.
If you arrive late, your lesson duration will be adjusted accordingly.
If your teacher is unavailable, we will reschedule the lesson to a time you find suitable .
All prepaid lesson fees are non-refundable if a student is absent.